On behalf of the ‘Migration in the Covid-19 Situation – 2021’ Virtual Conference Organizing Committee, we cordially invite you to the 10th conference in the series of International Conference on ‘Mongolia – in the Bridge of International Migration’ which will take place online and hosted by The Department of Humanities, School of Business Administration and Humanities, Mongolian University of Science and Technology on 19 May 2021.
The Conference is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Mongolian Revolution of 1921. The goals of the conference are to develop study on migration in Mongolia and contribute to improve research quality on the topic as international level. It also aims to encourage young researchers’ investigation in this field and recommendscholars’ knowledge for the decision-making process. As well as the conference will be a place where policymakers, experts, academicians and practitioners are encouraged to share their experiences and knowledge in open-hearted and academic ways.
The conference focuses on the direct and indirect impact of the Covid – 19 on international and national migration and further socio-cultural, economic and political changes due the Covid Pandemic.
The conference venue is in E conference hall, VIII building, the Mongolian University of Science and Technology.
We are anticipating a fascinating and highly inspiringconference and would be very appreciate if you joined in the conference.
The Conference Themes:
Theories and approaches on migration
Socio-cultural, economic and political changes and impacts of international migration due the СOVID-19
Domestic migration in Mongolia: migration flows, trends and consequences
Submission Guideline:
All papers presented at the conference must be original have to follow the paper’s guideline of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology. See the guideline in below https://www.must.edu.mn/mn/esh_oguulel_zaavar/
All presenters must complete a sheet in below
Full name:
Academic degree:
Contact number:
Type of presentation:paper or poster
Research topic:
Deadline: 25 April 2021
There will be a peer review process to select papers and poster presentations for the conference
Please submit research work to Academic Secretary O.Bolormaabolormaa.o@must.edu.mn, Professor N.Galiimaagalima@must.edu.mnand Senior Lecturer M.Javzansurenmjavjaa0715@gmail.com, School of Business Administration and Humanities, the Mongolian University of Science and Technology.
The Program of the ‘Migration in the Covid-19 Situation – 2021’ Virtual Conference will be delivered from 10 – 11 May 2021 by online.
Contact number: 99194565, 99731952, 99964642
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