On October 5, 2021, on the ceremonial occasion of the 100th anniversary of the education and science, the 55th Mongolian Teachers Day and the 27th World Teachers' Day, Dr. Ts. Enkhchimeg and Moon Kyung Shik, executive director of Solutech Systems LLCompany were awarded the “Medal of Honor by Ulaanbaatar City”. Executive Director Moon Kyung Shik has been worked with the school on a considerable number of specific projects and tenders and is developing a plan to fund an e-learning classroom.
The honorary award was presented by B.Zolzaya, a leading expert of the Project, Program and Monitoring Division of the Governor's Office of Capital City.
During the event, B.Zolzaya, a leading expert from the Governor's Office of Capital City, invited teachers to visit with their students to the Selbe Sub Center. N.Erdenechimeg, Project Coordinator of the Women Entrepreneurs attended at the event and introduced the Bayankhoshuu Incubator Center which provides free business trainings, creative ideas and possible solutions to the potential students.
E.Uyanga, a successful entrepreneur and founder of Nomch LLC, said that she would like to work with the school. She is the leading founder of a broad network of women entrepreneurs in 21 provinces. She emphasized the students had the opportunity to work with small and medium-sized businesses, especially in rural areas.
During the awards ceremony, the diligent students of the Young Entrepreneur Club announced that they were selling a mask with the logo to run a campaign to support their friends at the dormitory who had Covid-19.
It was a significant event to expand sufficiently the cooperation between the Governor's Office of Capital City, the Center for Women Entrepreneurs and the School of Business Administration and Humanities.
“ХҮҮХЭД, ГЭР БҮЛ ХӨГЖИЛ, ХАМГААЛАЛ” сэдэвт эрдэм шинжилгээний хурал зохион байгуулагдлаа
“ХӨРӨНГИЙН ҮНЭЛГЭЭНИЙ САЛБАРЫН ХӨГЖЛИЙН ЧИГ ХАНДЛАГА - 2024” сэдэвт эрдэм шинжилгээний бага хурал зохион байгуулагдлаа
БУХС-ийн багш, ажилтнууд шагнагдлаа