At the meeting of the Academic Council of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology on July 1, 2021, it was decided to award the title of “Honorary Professor” of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology to M.Oyuntsetseg. The award ceremony took place on September 6, 2021. The title of “Honorary Professor” of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology is traditionally awarded to those who have made valuable contributions to Mongolia's society, economy, science, technology and education, as well as to the development of the university.
M.Oyuntsetseg, who was awarded the official title of “Honorary Professor” of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology, introduced more than ten works in production and practice during her teaching career, compiled around forty scientific reports, articles, textbooks and manuals. Honorary Professor M.Oyuntsetseg has been active in progressively developing programs and projects aimed at improving the capacity of management and economic specialists in the light and food industries to perform mathematical and statistical processing. She has been sponsoring and organizing the “Academic Scientific Bird” conference for students majoring in economics and business administration of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology since 1992 for 28 years.
On behalf of the school and our academic team, Mijidiin Oyuntsetseg, distinguished Honorary Professor of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology, sincerely congratulates you and heartily wishes you excellent health, happiness and well-being!
Academic Council of School of Business Administration and Humanities
“ХҮҮХЭД, ГЭР БҮЛ ХӨГЖИЛ, ХАМГААЛАЛ” сэдэвт эрдэм шинжилгээний хурал зохион байгуулагдлаа
“ХӨРӨНГИЙН ҮНЭЛГЭЭНИЙ САЛБАРЫН ХӨГЖЛИЙН ЧИГ ХАНДЛАГА - 2024” сэдэвт эрдэм шинжилгээний бага хурал зохион байгуулагдлаа
БУХС-ийн багш, ажилтнууд шагнагдлаа
Шинжлэх ухаан, технологийн их сургуулийн 65 жилийн ой, дэлхийн багш нарын 30, монголын багш нарын 58 дахь өдрийн арга хэмжээ боллоо